Onllwyn Male Voice Choir

Onllwyn Male Voice Choir recorded their album '50' to mark their 50th Anniversary, and what a sound it was! The recording took place at the beautiful Calon Lân Centre in Swansea. The venue was amazing and the choir were awesome, the perfect mixture for a great recording, before you even empty the van!

“As a member of Cor Meibion Onllwyn, I would like to thank you for doing such an excellent job with the choir CD - 50 (celebrating fifty years of the choir). I know our Musical Team have sent their thanks but this is from the "Boys". Diolch yn fawr iawn.” Clive Baker

You will notice from the photos that Julie, who played piano on the album was wearing gloves while playing. At the time, we thought it was to prevent the sound of her nails from picking up in the microphones, while recording. Now with the pandemic, we aren't so sure! Since speaking to Julie recently, we think she may have know something that we didn't about what was to come in the future .

Conductor Matthew Sims, and Musical Director and Accompanist Julie Sims created the perfect programme of music for the CD. ‘50’ by the Onllwyn Male Voice Choir is available for purchase by getting in touch with the choir, through the choirs website:

Jordan Day-Williams

The contemporary recording studio for traditional styles of music and audiobook recording.

Ynysowen Male Choir


Christopher Bond