Lullaby Project, LMN

Amazing to be back out on the road with Live Music Now Wales to Neath last month, to record some gorgeous lullabies with some lovely families! πŸŽΆπŸ’«

Fantastic to work with the incredible musical talents of Kirstie Miller, Elly Hopkins, Megan Morris and Haz Thomas 🎹🎻🎸🎢

The project, a ground-breaking initiative which aims to improve peri-natal healthcare and reduce health inequalities caused by economic, cultural and education disadvantage through the medium of music. Created by New York’s Carnegie Hall, the Lullaby Project pairs pregnant women and new mothers and fathers with professional musicians to write and perform personal lullabies for their babies to support maternal health, childhood development and family bonding.

I think this photo sums up the day quite nicely! A curious little one, a harp and some beautiful music! πŸŽΆπŸ’«

Jordan Day-Williams

The contemporary recording studio for traditional styles of music and audiobook recording.



Leah Browning