Live Music Now Wales

I had an incredible few days working with Live Music Now Wales back in May on recording 10 songs, created by 10 different communities, working with 5 Live Music Now musicians, over 5 Welsh counties, strengthening connections with their local area through sung stories of local heritage.

The songs are available to download as a free album (or for an optional donation) at

You can also tune into the videos created for each of the songs with PixelWales through this YouTube playlist:

When the pandemic hit in March 2020 one of the biggest impacts on society was an overwhelming sense of disconnection from community and culture, leaving an already isolated society feeling more alone than ever. In some parts of the country local lockdowns followed national lockdowns and wellbeing plummeted alongside the enforced isolation. Since Winter 2020, thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund five musicians from Live Music Now Wales have been working with local community groups using song writing as a means to connect and share stories regardless of these barriers.

Unlocked (Datgloi) is an album of 10 songs, created by 10 different communities, working with 5 LMN musicians, over 5 Welsh counties, strengthening connections with their local area through sung stories of local heritage. From refugees in Cardiff to the elderly in Anglesey, care leavers in Swansea to pupils in Gwynedd and men in Bridgend - the voices of diverse communities are celebrated through song, creating connections at a time when the world was on lockdown, whilst unlocking the secrets of the heritage on our doorstep.

Live Music Now Wales musicians Jordan Price Williams, Patrick RimesAngharad JenkinsPixy Tom and John Nicholas worked with Mentor singer/songwriter Gavin Osborn to facilitate the creation of music and lyrics within each of the ten community groups involved in the project. The result is a diverse collection of voices and music which captures the stories and shared experiences of many across Wales.

A big thank you to Claire Cressey, Director of Live Music Now Wales for asking us to be involved on this incredible journey. I hope that you enjoy listening to the tracks, or watching through the videos - they are truly wonderful.

Jordan Day-Williams

The contemporary recording studio for traditional styles of music and audiobook recording.

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Josh Hicks